No Easy Choices on Breast Reconstruction
Written by Roni Caryn Rabin, it's chockful of good information, thoughtful consideration of the issues involved in making the decision, and lots of wisdom offered by Dr. Deanna Attai.
I've never met Dr. Attai, but I was lucky enough to meet some of her friends a few months ago at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America Bloggers' Summit out in Arizona. Alicia Staley and Jody Schoger are two-thirds of the brains behind the Monday night BCSM online chat. Dr. Attai is the other third.
For women facing breast cancer, BCSM (Breast Cancer Social Media) is a support group like no other. Imagine having other women who have been there and done that show you how to wear the tee shirt. You can follow the Twitter conversation, moderated by Alicia, Jody, and Dr. Deanna, at #BCSM Chat Monday nights at 9 PM.
You can also click on the group's website link,
Why am I telling you this? I don't want you to just stop at the end of the New York Times article. If you're facing this important decision, I want you to make the best, the smartest, the most informed decision you can about your future. Most of all, I want you to have resources and support, and that's what the BCSM community offers. Don't go it alone. Don't just assume you have to do this or you have to do that. Every woman is different. Every cancer is different. It's never one-size-fits-all.
One of the best pieces of advice Jody gave my readers in her interview with me was this:
"The first thing is how essential it is to learn about cancer, what the recommended course of treatment is and the range of side effects that might be anticipated. There are many different forms of breast cancer. Most don't realize how complicated breast cancer is and that treatment may involve only surgery, or surgery plus chemotherapy, radiation and/or hormone therapy in various combinations. It's a lot to take in at one time. But you don't want to look back either, and realize that you could have made a better decision about treatment. You have time to think, learn, and talk with other survivors. There's only a small subset of breast cancers immediate action is necessary."
"Jody Schoger Wants to Make a Difference...." Interview
You can also find her website:
Facebook? She's there, too, as Dr.DeannaAttai. At Twitter, she tweets as @DrAttai.
If you're dealing with breast cancer and its related issues, be good to yourself. Join with others who have sailed those waters. Share your experiences, the lessons you learned, the wisdom you gained. For every time you felt that dark shadow cross your heart and felt that panic, know you are not alone. There are others who know that pain. By coming together with social media, Dr. Deanna, Jody, and Alicia created a wonderful resource center to fill a deep void in cancer treatment. Breast cancer is such an intimate and life-transforming disease, and it takes a lot to get through it. Improve your chances by gathering up what you need from women who understand how to pack that suitcase.
Thank you, Sara, for such a lovely post! It remains amazing to me how connected and supportive this incredible community is, and I'm honored to be able to play a part.