Friday, December 17, 2010


What can you do with a cancer family website, to help support your loved one through active cancer treatment and beyond?

1. Keep family and friends in your loved one's circle updated on the current situation. When you create a blog page, you or your loved one has the opportunity to communicate important information to those in the circle.

2. Give your loved one a chance to create a list of wishes, hopes, dreams, goals, or anything else that he or she needs. By sharing this with the circle, your loved one can find support and encouragement, and possibly even help.

3. Notify the people in your loved one's circle of events and fundraisers that are undertaken on behalf of your loved one, or even family trips to special places.

4. Create a "contact" list of those people in the circle, with addresses, phone numbers, and email information. This can help when people want to join forces to help your family.

5. Share photos of your loved one, as well as anything else that matters to him or her. Maybe your loved one has favorite memories to be shared, or a special event. By creating a web page for this, the circle has the chance to be a part of your loved one's life.

6. If your love one is undergoing a special treatment, such as a bone marrow transplant, the website can help your family and friends stayed in touch, even if you need to travel out of state for the care.

7. Create a family calendar of events that is accessible to the circle. This is wonderful when you need help with transportation, child care for the family when your loved one is having treatment, or even to notify your circle of social gatherings.

8. Have a "To Do" list of needs that your family is having trouble meeting during cancer treatment. If you have children, you may want family and friends to help them stay active while you are managing cancer treatments. Siblings often have a difficult time, and having the chance to get out with family and friends can relieve the stress and fill the gap. Parents of children with cancer and parents who are the cancer patients often don't have the time or the energy to provide the kind of attention and activities children need. Let friends and family help by letting them know this is needed.

Children undergoing cancer treatment are often out of school for extended periods of time. A cancer family website could help your child remain connected to his or her social circle during absences. It's really hard for children to be separated from their friends, but sometimes it's necessary. Finding ways to help them through such times is very important for emotional support and for social development. You might create a list of books your loved one has read.

Whatever you do when you put together a cancer family website, remember that privacy can be a serious issue. You can restrict access to the family website, and I recommend doing this. You can also make the calendar accessible only to those on your list.

If you would like more ideas on family care-giving during cancer treatment, visit:
The Practical Caregiver Guides

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